10 Ways Writing Is Just Like Parenting

Hint: everyone thinks you suck at it!


Issue 15 of Stanchion is currently available to pre-order at a discounted price. You should order a copy so that you can read my story, “In The Shadow of The Big House,” when it comes out in April. This story starts with what may very well be my favorite opening line I have ever written. Isn’t that mysterious and intriguing? Aren’t you so tempted to order a copy? Go order a copy!

There’s still one session left of my workshop The Written Womb at Yellow Arrow Publishing. It’s this Friday, March 8th at 12:30. You can sign up for it here. I am also in the process of setting up additional in-person dates for this workshop at The Womb Room, so if you are in Baltimore and want to come write with me, stay tuned!

Issue 8 of my magazine, Little Thoughts Press is now available. Isn’t it gorgeous!

Kudos to Rachael Harbert for her beautiful cover art!

It’s also full of amazing writing and artwork. Order a copy for your favorite young reader!

Lastly, I am organizing a zero-pressure, no-commitment writing group (with a specific eye toward parents, but all are welcome). I will host two Google Meets per month (one daytime, one evening most likely) that group members can use as dedicated writing times. Think of it as an accountability or productivity group, or a writing community. This is not a workshop, a class, or a critique group. It is just an opportunity for writers who struggle to find dedicated time for their writing practice to have a set day and "place" to go and write. If you would like to learn more or join the email list to receive the monthly schedule and meeting links, please fill out the form at this link.

Thanks as always for reading & for all of your support!

I have written a great many essays here about the joys and pains of parenting, the trials and tribulations of the writing life, and the many ways I have managed to fight back against the throes of depression to build a happy, beautiful life. And yet, the post you monsters liked most, the one that got significantly more attention and pageviews than anything else I have written was this silly bit of nonsense that ends with a little song about baby poop. The explanation for this is likely one of three possibilities:

  1. People love to read stupid parenting advice.

  2. People love to read anything that is presented in some version of a list.

  3. People love to read lists of stupid parenting advice.

So here you go, another nonsense list about parenting stuff inspired by a week in which I am attempting to write 1000 words a day while also keeping alive a baby who only wants to spend his time practicing his new skill of climbing up the stairs. It is not especially easy to draft writing in your head while also trying to ensure your child does not tumble down the stairs to his death, but as we climbed the stairs again and again, it occurred to me that this practice felt a good bit like my 1000-words effort. The baby and I repeat our tasks, build on the previous day’s work, fine-tune our crafts. Over and over, though no one is forcing us. We are doing it for ourselves.

10 Ways Writing is Just Like Parenting

  1. The internet is full of advice on how to do it better. Anyone who has any amount of experience, as well as a bunch of people whose experience is only tangentially related (“I was a kid once!” “I read books!”) is here to tell you how you’re doing it wrong, and how you should be doing it instead.

  2. And even if you take all of that advice and get really good at it, someone out there will still think you suck and is probably pointing it out to their friends, if not actively calling you out for it on Twitter.

  3. The massive amount of effort you put into it is invisible to the outside world.

  4. And nobody pays you for it.

  5. It gets in the way of watching TV. Just think about all the TV you’re missing while you’re writing that novel no one’s ever going to read, or “enriching your children’s lives with your loving presence.”

  6. You’re often at a loss for words.

  7. And only in hindsight do you realize what you should have said instead.

  8. It’s so fucking hard sometimes.

  9. But can be pretty fun too.

  10. And though you have every right to be proud of what you’ve produced, everyone is secretly wishing you’d stop talking about it already.

You can find more of my writing & contact information at clairemtaylor.com. If you’d like to further support my work, please consider purchasing one of my books, or a copy of Little Thoughts Press. I also have a ko-fi page.

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